We ensure your donation reaches the project/s you wish to fund. We will keep you updated with reports and analyses about how your donation is changing lives.

Organize an Event: Fundraise for Zavod D&K! Have a dance party or movie night that will not only make for a memorable evening, but will raise money for good cause as well.

We’d love to hear your ideas! If you want support in organizing your event please contact us.

Thank you for your help!


  1. Fill out the application below and you will receive a payment slip
  2. You can make a direct transfer on our bank account

Zavod družba in kultura
Deželna banka Slovenije, d.d
TRR: SI56 1910 0001 0126 660




Postal code



DONATIONS from Spain icon spanish flag

Fundación del Valle & Zavod D&K

On 9th March 2016 both entities signed a collaboration agreement to establish and strengthen cooperation between both entities. Through this agreement Fundación del Valle undertakes to send Zavod D&K donations received through the “Zavod Slovenia” account (ES80 2100 1696 2102 0019 1148, La Caixa). This account was opened for the sole purpose of the Zavod D&K projects.

Donors may enjoy the following tax benetifs:  25% rebate on the tax base of income tax (35% in the case of companies).

Law 49/2002 of 23 December on Taxation Regulations for Non-Profit entities and fiscal incentives.

Article 19. Deduction of quota of Individual Income Tax.

Income tax payers have the right to deduct from the quota, 25% of the base of the deduction determined in accordance with Article 18. 2. The basis of this deduction is calculated for the purposes of the limit laid down in Article 56, paragraph 1, of Law 40/1998, of December 9, Income Tax of natural persons and other tax rules.

Article 20. Deduction of quota of the corporation Tax.

Taxpayers subject to Corporation Tax shall be entitled to deduct from the quota, subtracting deductions and credits provided for in chapters II, III and IV of Title VI of Law 43/1995 of 27 December, Corporation Tax, 35% of the base of the deduction determined in accordance with Article 18.

In order to obtain the donation certificate individual donors or companies should contact us by e-mail: